Spring Adopt-A-Highway
“…….I had a great time!…..” “….That was fun!.......”
Those were just a couple of the positive comments heard following the Spring cleaning of our Club’s adopted highway. The weather was about as perfect as could be hoped for.
Our cleaning crew assembled on May 5th and departed at 9:30 for our two mile stretch of SD Hwy 115. Our Spring cleaning historically yields more trash than Fall clean-up and this year was no exception. The short grass leaves few places for the litter to hide and we are able to collect not only new Winter deposits but also items missed under the tall grass of Autumn.
With the ditches picked clean, our crew arrived back in town at 11:00. Those who had schedules that permitted, enjoyed a selection of pizza, refreshments, and great conversation. We adjourned at noon.
Our efforts yielded a pickup load of trash and the many hands collecting it made for light work. Here, in no particular order, are the people those hands belonged to: Brad Brown, Marleen Brown, Roger Corkill, Mary Boyd, Bruce Boyd, Mike Gilbride, Connie Gilbride, Kathy Miller, Dusty Miller, Doug Nestor, Jane Nestor, Dalliss Englund, CR Schmid, Lisa Glasgow, BJ Glasgow, Joyce VanDerWilt, Harold VanDerWilt, Roger Coon, Eric Bertrand, and Dave Rowe.