Prez Sez - Mark your Calendars!

February 26, 2025 I trust everyone is enjoying the wonderful warm weather as of late, I know
I sure am! The 2nd Annual Super Bowl Party in Larchwood, Iowa was held on Sunday, February
and a good time was had by all. Abdulah Delibasic won first place (second time in a row) for his
very tasty chili.
Plans are in the works for holding a seminar on the very simple things Corvette owners and
wives should be reminded of to make the Corvette driving experience more enjoyable during
one of the general membership meetings.
We will start by identifying the features included in the cab, entry, exit and common problems
associated with lock out, etc. things that come to my mind are:
Wife stays in car, husband walks away with keys. Emergency door latch by door sill.
How to shut off the alarm if it goes off with and without the key fob
Locked out, entry through trunk
Key fob dead, recharge slot in glove box or steering.
If you have any ideas and/or suggestions for this seminar please send a text to Mike Skiles at
605-610-5791 or shoot him an email at:
A Message from our Merchandise Committee:
Just a reminder to all SFCC members that we will be selling $20 Black Hills Corvette Classic
event tee shirt vouchers at the June 25th general membership meeting. This year’s shirt will be
offered in either yellow or blue and is being designed by our very own club member Cheri
Beyers! You are welcome to buy one of each color or multiple of each color even if you can’t
make the trip out to Spearfish, but we would love to see you out there. You may purchase your
$20 vouchers at our June meeting and then pick up your t-shirt at the merchandise trailer on
Wednesday, July 16th down at Jerry’s Corvette Center in Beresford. Buying a voucher from the
Club is cheaper than buying it when you register for the Black Hills Corvette Classic because
SFCC does NOT charge a handling fee or sales tax.
Just a reminder that 2025 dues are payable on or before April 1st.
If your 2025 dues have not been paid by the April 1st deadline you will be placed on the inactive
roster and will no longer continue to receive email “blasts” from SFCC.
You can pay your dues online at with your credit card. There is a
$5.00 charge for this method of payment.
Or you can mail your check to: Sioux Falls Corvette Club, PO Box 994, Mitchell, SD 57301.
Starting at the end of 2025 we will start following the by-laws of the SFCC corporation and dues
for 2026 will be payable prior to or at the Annual Banquet in November with a firm deadline of
December 31st , 2025.
Here’s the 2025 list of events so far:
Board Meetings: Held at Johnny Carino’s, 2310 S. Louise Ave., Sioux Falls
Wednesday, March 19
Wednesday, April 16
Wednesday, May 21
Wednesday, June 18
Wednesday, August 20
Wednesday, September 17
Wednesday, October 15
Wednesday, December 17 – Joint meeting with 2025 & 2026 Boards
General Membership Meetings: Held at The Social, 301 S. Thompson Ave., Sioux Falls
Wednesday, March 26
Wednesday, April 23
Wednesday, May 28
Tuesday, June 24
Wednesday, September 24
Drive & Dines:
Tuesday, September 9th Dinner at Bradley’s Pub & Grille in Mitchell, located at 514 N. Main Street next
to the World’s Only Corn Palace! We will meet there at 6:00 p.m. and a limited menu will be offered. Take
Exit 332 on I-90, then go right and follow the signs to the Corn Palace. We will gather at the Ramkota
parking lot and depart Sioux Falls at 5:00 p.m. sharp!
Spring Rally:
Sunday, May 4th ~ Meet at Jerry’s in Beresford 12:00 – 12:30 with a Drivers meeting at 12:40. Cars
starting out at 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 16th Jerry’s Welcome Event
July 17th through 20th – Black Hills Corvette Classic in Spearfish
Annual Picnic:
Wednesday, August 13th at 6:00 p.m. at Falls Park – Under the large picnic shelter
Abdulah’s Lamb Feast:
Sunday, October 12th
Will be held at Abdulah’s business, Sioux Empire Cleaning at 1808 W. Frontier St., Brandon, SD
Annual Banquet: Will be held at The Social, 310 S. Thompson Ave., Sioux Falls, SD
Saturday, November 15th
All Board meetings will be held at Johnny Carino’s. All General Membership meetings and the Annual
Banquet will be held at The Social, located at 301 S. Thompson Ave., Sioux Falls, SD
That’s all for now ~ enjoy this great warm weather and save the wave!
Prez Denny Robinson